Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Happy birth, dear grandchild (3)

Aaliyah Jean Yvonne Hackworth, welcome to the world.

Late this afternoon I went to the Met where I swim 3-4 times a week and I told lots of folks that I had become a grandpa today and they all celebrated with me.

At noon Donny called me and told me that he cut the umbilical cord. Yeah, Donny! He also held her lots this morning. Hannah nursed her twice before 11:00 this morning. She is wrapped her pearents love.

Heidi arrived around 2:00 p.m. in time to take care of Aaliyah so that Hannah and Donny could rest. Yeah, Heidi!

Heidi is going to e-mail us photos. I can hardly wait to see photos of my precious little granddaughter. I'll post a photo on my blog.

Happy birth, dear grandchild (2)

A child is born. At 8:32 a.m. Donny called me for 30 seconds to let me know that he and Hannah have a daughter. Her first name is Aaliyah. I can't remember her two middle names. She was 7 lbs., 8 oz.

Poor Sarah. I called her immediately to let her know she was grandma but her cell phone was off. She had started orientation for a new job at 8:30 a.m. and they must have told everyone to turn their cells phones off. She has to be suffering.

A few minutes later our daughter Heidi called from the Houston Airport. She had a layover on her journey from St. Louis to Jacksonville, FL to be with Hannah, Donny and Aaliya. Heidi had talked with Donny who said that Aaliyah has lots of dark hair. I'll post a photo as soon as I have one.

I had a meeting from 9:00 to 10:00 with no further calls from Donny. I hope all is well.

Thank you, Lord, for new life.

Happy birth, dear grandchild (1)

Our first grandchild is about to be born. Hannah is in the hospital, Donny's taking great care of her and he's so excited to be a Dad. Any moment Sarah's and my first grandchild will be born. You can fellow a long in my joy today on this blog.